Performance Giving Network !

Performance Giving Network welcomes you, (PGN for short). We are a Global force of Entrepreneurs looking to make the World an Amazing Place for all. To End Poverty and Increase the Quality of Life for all we touch. We do this through an incredible process.

What is The Performance Giving Network?

Because the majority of the world may not know it yet. But our  future of the internet is becoming decentralized.

Performace Giving Network

Therefore the forefront of the rapidly developing decentralized internet is an upcoming people’s network. Because we are getting to know it as The Performance Giving Network. Although this revolutionary new internet network will come with countless opportunities and technologies. Also today, we’ll be focusing on the virtual wallet we use with the PGN.

To become part of (PGN), you will need to connect yourself to the Performance Giving Network. First you’ll need to sign up for TippingCircle, a premier virtual wallet app made for the people, for both fiat and cryptocurrencies. With the use of TippingCircle, people all over the world will have the opportunity to not only share, transfer, and collect funds, but to seize countless other economic opportunities also in the works.

This project is just a single piece in a much bigger effort . That’s part of a role of putting an end to poverty and giving economic opportunity to all. I believe that this technology can change the world. But first, it all starts with us.

No longer will the internet be controlled by massive centralized corporations.

That’s right! The performance giving network is an upcoming decentralized internet that puts the power of the internet in the hands of every-day people.

To some this groundbreaking network! Is so much bigger than you can imagine . Our #1 goal of all of these technological projects.   Will be to designed to help people and help fight poverty .

The Income Methods within the Performance Giving Network:

We have many ways of creating econimic solutions. They represent many methods to create income streams and help provide a way better life. They are be ing designed to help people and help fight poverty on this Earth.

See the many ways we are creating economic solutions. These represent methods to create income streams to provide for a better way of life. This is just the begging. So come and be apart of it and wipe Poverty away.

It all starts with giving the World Access to a true Global Banking Solution. This is where the TippingCircle comes into play. START HERE! Get set up.

Paid to Chat: Literally the worlds’ most secure chat program. And it pays you to use it.

Paid to Game: The most incredible games, played online, and with reward of income for playing.

Paid to Watch TV! Our Premium and Paid TV program is beyond the best thing ever. We are taking Premium Television Programming and our Educational programming around the Globe.

So make sure you check it out and spread the good news to your friends and family. By using the services that the Tipping Circle and Performace Giving Network has you will be help yourself and thousands of people around the globe.

While you are doing that! Come check out other ways to enjoy the company of your friends and family by having a nice dinner with them and sharing a glass of wine. Here you can join the Wine of the month club and get that great tasting wine delivered to your door. So come and see it for yourself right here.