Meaning of Easter!

The Meaning of Easter! It is a way to celerabrate and teach our children what happenend in the past and to never forget it. So it will not happen again.

What does Easter mean to us! There are quite a few religions who believe in easter in many different way. One way is pesach for the Jewish Religion. In which to them means the last supper they had before they left slavery in Egypt . Now it’s a way for them to teach their young to never forget the past. By celebrating the holidays and to remember what they ment at that time in life.

To remember or past to never let it happen again.

Different religions bring the past back to life in many different ways to teach their young.

To the Christen religion believes it was his last supper before they made him carry the cross through the streets. To the place where they nailed him to it. As they raised the cross up he ask the Lord to forgive his children for what was going to happen. Then after he passaway they bared him in a cave to rest. And when they went back to retrive his body to place in a box and conceal in the ground. They found out he was gone.

So some believe and celerabrate this holiday as a resurrection of Jesus and taking all their sins way. Some to this day go to the church and ask Jesus to forgive their sins . And to help make their lives for themselver and loved ones better.

Here is a great way to find different supplies you need for the two holidays. So proceed here and see what you can get.

We can alway tech them at any age.

At any of the grocery stores you will be able to find the kosher foods need for passover and also the different foods for Easter.

Doesn’t Matter what you have on your dinning room table to eat that night. A nice glass of Fine Wine will also go with it. The Wine help to enjoy and yet remember the past. So Go Here to see our Fine Wine.

I feel that is does not matter what your religion is or how you pray. We all have a Lord in our hearts and above our heads that we will have to answer to . When the right day comes. But intil then why can’t we join hands and give thanks that we are here and still alive. Lets teach our children the rights and wrongs of our lives. From the past to create a new and better future for all of us.