Skin Care Product!

Skin Care is what everybody needs for their bodys. Methods that helps us to take good care of our body. We need this product to help us keep our body’s looking young and beautiful all the time.

The difference between young body Skin Care and Aging Skin Care.

Here are some fascinating topics that we can inform you about your skin. First of all your skin is the largest organ of the body that has many protective layers and performs essential tasks and helps it’s self stay healthy.

Skin Care is alway good for your body when you get a tatoo

Because keeping your skin clean and healthy you will see a big difference in yourself and your friends will even see a big difference in you as well. At how good it helps to keep your your skin in good condition. This product really helps when you get a tatoo on your body or if your body gets any wounds that need some treatment that you can give yourself and not go to a doctor. It will surprise you and other just how much it truly helps Heal the wound and protect it from infections.

So on your next tatoo why not give it a try and help your body heal pretty fast and not have lot of pain that you usually do.You will be very surprised just how much this item helps with all sizes of tatoos you may get.

With this cream you can help out your skin before you even know it.

Here is some information that will help you to understand the different layers of skin that your body has from childbirth to the day you leave this wonderful life. And how skin care can help you.

The photo below shows you the difference between young and aging bodies! How our body works each and everyday.

skin, Skin Autophagy: 10 Strategies to Rejuvenate Your Skin


Because our skin is the largest organ that our body has that serves for a protective barrier against problems that come to us in the air.  Because of how the surface of your skin can tell someone in the health profesion can help if you are having trouble with Dietary or any environmental problems. Need to learn and understand your anatomy and physiology.

The skin has three major parts that include that hypodermis, dermis, and epidermis. This  is the information that you need to know about your skin to take good skin care of your body. Here are other parts of the skin that you need to know. It includes the sebaceous glands, elastin, collagen, dermal-epidermal junction, sebum. Blood vessels are the parts of the body that helps your body out. Come and learn about the different parts of your skin.


The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. It acts as a protective barrier between your body and the environment. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis made up of flat, dead skin cells called corneocytes to offer an effective buffer. The basal layer is the bottom layer of the epidermis where your pigments are being produced.


The dermis is the middle layer of your skin. It serves as your skin’s operation center that is the home of a variety of nerves, glands, enzymes, essential proteins, and blood cells. The dermis also contains collagen and elastin to provide support and structure.


The hypodermis is located below the epidermis and the dermis. The body made it up of fat, nerves, and blood vessels, and serves as a cushion and insulation.


The sebaceous glands are located at the root of the hair follicles. They produce oil, or sebum, to lubricate your skin and hair.


The elastin is an essential protein that helps your skin to stretch and bounce back after stretching. Sun exposure and repeated facial expressions both can damage the elastin which leads to sagging skin.


Collagen is an essential protein that is basically the building blocks of your skin’s foundation. It helps your skin to have a smooth structure. Sun exposure and aging leads to the breakdown of collagen that results in fine lines and wrinkles.


The dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) connects the epidermis and dermis. It hosts a network of blood vessels to help to transfer nutrients from the dermis to the epidermis.


The sebum: We know as an oily secretion produced by the sebaceous glands to help waterproof your skin and to keep it firm.


The network of blood vessels located in the dermis and subcutaneous layer supply oxygen and nutrients to your skins. They also help to regulate your body temperature.


There are a variety of things that can damage your skin. Also, toxins, radiation, inflammation, and stagnation are the top 4 problems you need to pay attention to in order to protect your skin.


Because toxins are unfortunately everywhere. They are in the air you breathe, conventional cleaning products, conventional body and skin care, and non-organic food. As toxins come in contact with your skin’s surface, they can lead to irritation, inflammation, and skin damage. They can also enter into your body and bloodstream through your skin and other ways. Damage that occurs inside your body, especially in your gut and hormones, can damage your skin just as much that environmental harm affecting your skin directly.

THE SKIN Care helps from Radiation

Because exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can increase your risk of skin damage and most forms of skin cancers. So there is a great new Necklace out that is called the Tuün . It helps keep the EMF rays and even some of the UV rays away from your body that can damage your skin cells on a DNA level. Compromise your skin’s immune system. UV rays lead to sunburn,  wrinkles, spots, premature aging, and other damage. But so can these EMF waves without seeing it happen like you do with UV rays. When the damage begins to affect skin cell growth, skin cancer starts

There are other things that we use each and every day that can produce UV and EMF rays that can hurt our body but with this Necklace you can start helping your body. So my opinion is to stop using things that can hurt our bodys and shield our body from the sun’s rays that can give us radiation .

You will be very surprised at how much this cream has helped treat my skin and get it nice and smooth again.

So now after all this? I have this wonderful Idea on how to relax. Get the family together under a Big canopy for a bbq and sharing some Fine wines.