Why not chat for fee and get paid while you are doing it. This is a great way to talk to family and friends and still get paid. Even they can sign up and an get paid for doing the same thing.
Chat-What exactly is that?
Chat is how we communicate with other people every day . Either face to face or with today’s technology. With this technology we mostly chat with our phones. Using messenger, Instagram, Facebook, Skype and other various platforms, we communicate through chatting. Most of us rarely answer the phone any more, although we carry them with us everywhere. If we miss a call, we send a message. Then we start a chat or conversation then and there. We do not call them back. Get real. Why waste the time for a call when you can type almost as fast as you talk!!!
Sending Messages all Day
Like so many of my friends who get on their phones and send messages all day long . I really don’t have that time cause I am usally doing something else like working on my computer trying to get a business up and growing or helping my husband out in the yard when he needs it. So really I don’t have the extra time like a lot of my friends and family do to sit and chat on their phones all day.
But I have noticed that it only takes a few couple of seconds to type out a message, send a tweet, or a shout out on Instagram, Snap a chat on snapchat, or write a quick comment on Facebook. It takes even less time to respond to a message on my phone. Now you can do it with voice recording and live chats.
It makes the day a lot easier to drop a quick message when you only have to type out a few short words. With This day and age I have noticed we all chat to at least 10-15 people a day. If you really start thinking about it, you probably average more than that. Not to mention all the data and time you spend on all your social media platforms. Our world basically revolves around the chat and chatting. We stay in touch with each other on a daily basis in other states and with those around us. To some people it has become a habit to get up in the morning and check your messages and respond. Sometimes even while you are haveing your morning coffee!!!
If you had to list all the people you chat with on a daily basis, how long would that list be? Could you even make one and be accurate? We use chat like we use the phone. We talk to everyone through our chat platforms. Business is conducted through chats and social media platforms. Video conferencing with programs like Zoom and Skype are also becoming the norm. I have notice that we don’t have phones like we did in the 50’s everything has gone to smartphone where you can use the internet.
I know that I will text my Sister to ask a question before I will call her. Same with my children. My daughter will Message me to talk or ask a question before calling me.
I have even noticed my business associates will text to ask questions, see how they are doing and sometimes give training techniques. All using some form of chat platform. It has become convenient and easier to use chatting versus so others can see your question and who answers it in case they have the same question. Then picking up a phone and calling some one quite a few times a day. You can respond at your convenience based on the relevance of their question
Well as you know I have this amazing marketing program. I am constantly in search of wonderful, money-making and cutting edge programming to bring to you. This is one that we all can benefit from. From those with the worst internet and data plans to those with the most up-to-date modern technological advances. This program actually pays you to chat. By downloading their “FREE” program platform, all your chats will now earn you income. Depending on your daily chat performance, the earning potential can be staggering. So why not let your chatting habits work in your favor.
Because of things going in the world, being shut in and unable to work, I know we are all using our chats and social media platforms to keep up with each other. Here is a great FREE app that you can download and use daily and actually earn some money where your mouth is, literally!!!! Or better yet, earn some money while letting your fingers do the talking. By already connected to your friends and family and speak to them daily, you don’t have to change a thing other than your app.
While you are getting paid for chatting to your friends why don’t you get paid for watching tv. You can sign up for it Here and enjoy your favorit shows or even get a movie on to watch with your sweetheart while sharing a bottle of Fine Wine and relax for the evening.