Emphasizing Traditional Teaching Methods !!

Emphasizing Traditional Teaching Methods for our children. I have noticed that the way society is teaching our children! They do not show or have respect for themselves or their elders. Even in schools, teachers can not teach them like they did in the 40s through the 80s.

The Teachers should go back to using Textbooks and Note-taking :

  • Furthermore let’s encourage the use of physical textbooks and notebooks.
  • Allow students to take notes by hand, which can improve retention and understanding.
  • Because of the Classroom Discussions in addition our teachers and the children involved with the subject in the room.
  • Therefore the homework that they have to read and not find the answers to the questions easily and not on the computer.
  • Write out reports and do handwritten text and quizzes.

We need to teach our children how to use the Library and Research:

Encourage the use of physical libraries for research projects.

Plus allow access to digital libraries and databases for extensive research work.

Give our Teachers the right to teach our children Traditional Way!

Stop the Government from taking away our respect for our country. By giving immigrants the right to get involved in school and change our rules. On the other hand, let us teach them about what has happened in the past. That way it does not start over and over again in every generation.

Bring back the hands-on way of teaching!

There are many children who learned by doing something and then always reading about it. So let us make sure that way always stays in our schools and methods of teaching. To be sure of a way our children will set goals in their lives for themselves and achieve them.

To me, that is the traditional way of teaching. Also let’s stop others who think they are better than everyone else. And let’s start teaching them we are equal and help those who are having trouble learning. Let them be the tutor because they can communicate and understand the problems the others are having. Let them start helping students they are trying to help to make it easier for them.

By getting Our Teachers to work online without worrying about what the government says. We need to teach our children the same things we were taught in school to help us with our society. We need to get our children involved with activities in school and learn about the past so they don’t make the same mistakes that we have made over the years. Help them with problems they may be having in any subject.

Things we need to bring back to our traditional way of Teaching.

We could really use some study halls where the kids need some extra help and not feel ashamed. I want them to feel equal with everyone in the classroom and ask questions.

You Know what, some of my co-works have made a youtube video that can really explan things even better than I can and watch the video below.

Parents will be really excited about how they can become part of their childrens education and see how much their children have learned and the excitement they are having while in school online. The parents can even get with the teachers anytime and see if their child needs help with school work or even talk to the teacher and find out what problems they may be having and help find a way to make it easier for the child to learn.

I think the government has changed how our teachers teach in public schools and needs to return to our Traditional Education. We need our children to want to learn and move forward. How our children behave and not caring what is happening in their lives will put the United States in the hole. They need to be taught to care and get involved.

Here is some great information about Traditional Education.

Traditional  education

So be sure to tell your favorite teacher about this program and let them decide how they want to teach. Either in public schools or here online with our program and being able to teach their students the traditional way. Here is a link you can use to show the teacher.

This would be a good way to show our children how to fix their education before they leave school by going to this link and getting their parents to check out.

Hey, parents did you know you could be working online at the same time your children are doing their home lessons? You can come and see this link and get involved.