This is for our Military and Loved Ones!

I have found a song that shows our respect for our Military and loved ones. It also brings me back to my late husband. And even My Parents whom I have lost over the years. It is really hard for me to explain my true feelings but this song really can bring it out. It even makes me think of all our military who never made it back home. From war and being Police guards in other Countries. I just wish that the American’s! would start taking care of our own who gave their lives and bodies to keep America Free. Then opening our doors to everyone else who doesn’t care about what we stand for. All they want is the freedom that their own country will not give them.

When will the Americans today start helping our Own Military Veterans and loved ones?

I think this Song tells how so many people may feel in this day and age.

Our Military and Loved ones need all our help!

Getting the medical help and the home they truly deserve. We should not be giving the immigrants free will and housing without helping pay the bills they are building up each day.

This is when we as Americans should be standing up to our Government and telling them how we feel and what they should do for us.

Not Just the immigrants!

Let the immigrants go and get a job like we keep telling our children to do. Even if it is helping a farmer or a low-grade job so they will know how so many people feel. Also getting our children out and feel good about the work they do.

Why can’t we get the factories back in the United States and provide wonderful jobs here in America? We need to stop buying everything from different countries lets start making it right here.

Let us get our country back on its feet and stand up for what is correct here in the United States before going everywhere else and helping out. We need to start getting our Generation to respect themselves and others around them. Yes I know I was raised the old-fashioned way as so many say but I find that a lot of people like that respect.

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Now we have home-schooled children who still don’t show any respect to their parents or any respect or anyone else just like the children in public school. Where did Our Pledge of Allegiance go to our Flag in our schools? That taught our children to respect our flag and other countries’ Flags.

I keep wondering when this world will change and instead of fighting with each other. That way we will stand up and help each other out. Our ancestors made this country out of their hearts and flesh and blood Along with the American Indians that were living here. Now we should bring back the peace and make every Country stand up and help the people living there.

So many people blame the military or even the presidents ruling their country. It should be everyone working together and being one big family no matter the color of the skin or the way we may look we all need that special love and respect.

For Our military and loved ones that have trouble getting a job today in the world then you can still be able to work from home on your computer and enjoy being part of our worldwide family. Just come and see what we do.